Tuesday, April 25, 2006

(No) Progress Report April

Not sure where my running training is going this year. At this point it seems to be going no where fast...

March I was lying low because of an recurring Achilles injury. Luckily, the rest and no running regime helped and so far the Achilles tendon is pain free.

After completing the Burnaby Mountain Run (12km) early April and fighting some motivational issues, Pat and I were back on the trails on Easter Saturday, enjoying the late season snow that greeted us in the Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve. April started looking good...until the flu bug hit hard. Missed out on the sunniest CFA run of this year last weekend. While a bunch of Fat Asses enjoyed the brilliant blue skies over Coquitlam at the Run To The Clouds (which clouds), I spent the day coughing and hacking in bed. Bummer.
Feel like any endurance is long gone by now, legs still feel rubbery from fever and doing nothing all week...we'll see how tomorrows planned run with Michelle plays out. What does not kill me only makes me stronger... Or so I hope!

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