Not sure where my running training is going this year. At this point it seems to be going no where fast...
March I was lying low because of an recurring Achilles injury. Luckily, the rest and no running regime helped and so far the Achilles tendon is pain free.
After completing the Burnaby Mountain Run (12km) early April and fighting some motivational issues, Pat and I were back on the trails on Easter Saturday, enjoying the late season snow that greeted us in the Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve. April started looking good...until the flu bug hit hard. Missed out on the sunniest CFA run of this year last weekend. While a bunch of Fat Asses enjoyed the brilliant blue skies over Coquitlam at the Run To The Clouds (which clouds), I spent the day coughing and hacking in bed. Bummer.
Feel like any endurance is long gone by now, legs still feel rubbery from fever and doing nothing all week...we'll see how tomorrows planned run with Michelle plays out. What does not kill me only makes me stronger... Or so I hope!
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Asleep and Trusting
Asleep and Trusting, originally uploaded by Turtlepace.
This is one relaxed fellow. Not only does he groom and eat when in my children's hands, he also falls asleep at times. Having his head rubbed makes him all drowsy until he drifts off. During this particular session he ended up sleeping on his back. Talk about trust!
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Gewuerzkuchen, originally uploaded by Turtlepace.
After looking on ebay, Buy and Sell and Craigslist for years, I finally found exactly the convection range I was hoping for.
I've been baking up a storm since I brought the beast home last week.
This Gewuerzkuchen is the latest creation. BTW, family loves the stove...or should I say the end results ;-)
125g butter
150g sugar (original recipe calls for 350g - yikes)
320g whole wheat flour
1 tbls baking powder
125g grated dark chocolate
4 eggs
1/2 tblsp ground gloves
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp nutmeg
1 cup milk
Combine all ingedients with electric mixer. Pour into greased bundt or 2 loaf pans. Bake on 175C or 75 min (less if using 2 loaf pans) or on 200C for 60 min. In the convection oven I baked at 175C for 50min.
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Burnaby Mountain Killer Hill
Not only did the clouds hang low, rain also hammered down on the group of diehards assembled at the start line in Burnaby Mountain Park. Nevertheless, the majority of the Fat Asses planned to do the full 2 loops for a total of 24km. Not so Maureen and myself who gingerly set out to run 12km and were hoping not to be lapped by the hot shots...
Following Pandora's Trail steeply downhill through deep mud puddles we soon lost sight of the leaders and tried stay close to Craig and Sharon whose bright jackets lead the way. Alas, they took a wrong turn and we found ourselves alone on the course.
The first half of the course is either downhill or flat...which leaves the question what to expect from the second half. Answer: A killer hill! Old Buck and Homestead are benign in comparison to this ascent. As Maureen and myself huffed and puffed to the top, we traded war stories of being lost in the fog during some previous adventures. Thanks to Maureen for pulling me up there!
The rain was still coming down when we finally made our way back to the start. Luckily, nice restrooms allowed us to get rid of the wet gear and change into warm fleecies. I only thawed eating soup at the post party get together....
Gotta come back in the sunshine.
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