Thursday, February 07, 2013

Happy Riding

Happy riding today:
  • Unexpected sunshine and beautiful sunrise this morning 
  • Love my "social circle" of other riders/walkers:

    This morning, the chatty Brit, who almost always passes me somewhere near The Bridge, had a big smile on his face, as did I, as we marveled about the unexpected sunshine.

    The disheveled looking young man, who looks like he can hardly make it out of bed, yet there is is every morning on the bridge riding to North Van. Last year, he didn't have a bike light nor a helmet, now he at least rides with a light. Last year he stopped to make room for me to pass, but never made eye contact, now he looks at me and after I sing my "good morning, thank you" at him he raises his hand in a military salute. The stories I invent about him...

    The girl who I often see mornings and eves: powerful, lean. Not sure where she is going or from where she is coming, but she must add distance, because sometimes she passes me twice. This afternoon, we ended up waiting at a red light together. I didn't recognize her (I guess I only know how her rear looks) and made a comment about what a nice day it was for riding (we were both soaking wet and the rain was teaming down) and she smiled and happily replied, "yes, it is lovely"...and she wasn't being sarcastic and she was right.

    ... and then of course there is the guy who I hardly ever see, but his bike is there rain or shine, summer or winter, parked in the underground at work. He has his spot, I have mine. I worry, when his bike isn't there when I arrive in the morning. Ran into the rider today and I remarked that we are the only ones in the building riding year long. He said, he'll soon won't be there anymore as he is getting transferred to North Van.... I might end up seeing him on The Bridge. 
  • How many friendly social interactions did you have on your commute today?
  • BTW, no incidents with cars today. In fact, there was hardly any traffic both morning and evening.

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