Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Random Commuter Exchange

Interesting exchange this morning.  Me, on my bike in the left turning lane at the red light at the bottom of Fell, preparing to turn left onto Marine.  A couple of cars are ahead of me.  My lights are flashing, I am wearing my yellow biker uniform.  It's still darkish, but not raining.
A car pulls up beside me.  I always have a sixth sense when somebody is going to talk to me out of the car window... anyway, was already expecting a comment when dude, about my age rolls down the window and  says:
"Did your mama not teach you that cycling in traffic like that is dangerous?"
Proud to say that I didn't miss a beat - usually I do ;-) - and responded with:
"Life is dangerous!"
Under different circumstances this could have turned into a lengthy philosophical debate, however, after his response of:
"True, but riding in traffic like that really is dangerous", our lights turned green and we went our merry ways.
And I kept thinking about this all day...
  • Dude was friendly.  One could see the comment as a passive-aggressive version of get off the road, cyclists have no business to mingle in traffic... but I didn't pick-up that vibe.
  • Dude was genuinely concerned about somebody taking their chances and riding in traffic.  Yes, how else would I bike commute but in traffic.  Reality check, there is no continuous bike route from my home to my work in Burnaby.  It certainly would increase cycling safety to have more cycling infrastructure, but if I wait for bike lanes to be built before daring to hop on my bike...I might be too old to cycle.
  • Dude was concerned about me at a relatively low traffic time in bucolic North Van...Hey, he would have really been concerned seeing me 30 min later navigate to the left hand turn lane across three lanes of traffic on Boundary before turning onto Lougheed.  
  • It be interesting to see statistics on the dangers of a sedentary life style over the dangers of bike commuting regularly in Vancouver
  • He has it all's not cycling that is's the cars around the cyclists ;-)
But perhaps, his comment was just a cute pick-up line

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