Wednesday, November 02, 2005

The Boy That Ate A Marble

We had a big scare yesterday eve. Just before setting out for a rare night out, the kids were ready for an early bed/reading time and just putting the finishing touches to a long overdue playroom clean-up. I was answering an email and about to get changed for the theatre when my older daughter was screaming hysterically that her little brother was choking on a marble. Nothing like an adrenaline rush...I did 3 things at once, grabbed the phone, yelled for the other responsible adult in the house, who was in the downstairs office and ran into the playroom ready for the Heimlich... When I go to the little marble eater, he was holding his throat, but screaming on top of his lungs, breathing. Established that the marble went down and he was not in pain or distress, apart from being very embarrassed. After calling the nursing hotline for follow up advice I decided to not go out in case there would be unforeseen complications...Ean went to the musical alone :-( Son slept like a baby, but Daughter was very upset and couldn't sleep. I hope that was the last time that my precious son sucked on a marble. Hopefully it will pass, it's a heavy steel marble, fairly small. Never a dull moment!

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