Saturday, January 03, 2015

2015 New Year's Resolutions

It seems I get later and later every year with jotting down my resolutions for the New Year.  Not that I haven't been thinking about them.  2015 will be a year of big goals and changes... But first, since I don't even remember my last year's resolutions, lets have a look how I did:

2014 In Review

Goal #1: Marathon time of under 4h! I signed up for the Abottsford Run For Water Marathon 25 May and are aiming to train for an under 4h time!
(Oops, while I did run the marathon and had loads of fun, I did not make the time to train as much as I should and didn't focus on a PB)

Goal #2:

  • Follow training routine for the marathon.  (oops, as above)
  • Consistently run 4 times a week (hm, I think 2 runs a week are more realistic. Because of a small injury, I did not run as much as planned)
  • mid week runs consisting of one 10km tempo run and one speed work out  (as above)
  • weekend runs, ideally two, including one distance run according to the marathon training schedule. (as above, I did keep up my endurance to be able to run 2hs though)
  • follow training plan (nope)
  • increase pace (do not skip the interval/speed training) - (argh, although, I think I have become a tad faster and have started running with 2 friends in the hope they'd push the pace)
  • do not get injured (oops again - I think that was the main damper on my enthusiasm. Hamstring/gluteus irritation seems to finally get better)
  • lose another 5kg (hm, need to work on that still)

Goal #3: Participating in the Vancouver New Years Day Fat Ass - custom course of at least 25km - done

Goal # 4: Participating in at least the following other events/races:
  • Capilano Canyon MardiGras Night Run - done
  • Mountain Highway Madness - done
  • Capilano Canyon Midsummer Nite Night Run - done
  • Pure Satisfaction - done

Goal #5: run the Trans-Canada Trail. Ideally, parts from Coquitlam to the Coquihalla Summit that I've never been on - not done

Goal # 6: 1 peak in the Peak Bagger Challenge (anticipating being on the road for my marathon training, so keep this one low key) - done, Fromme Mountain with Penny and Hollyburn with Killaine

Goal # 7: ride my bike to work 3x week - weather permitting - done, likely averaged more with the exception of a couple of icy or otherwise heinous weather weeks in November and December!

Goal #8: add a weight/strength routine to my schedule (2x a week at home with free weights and balance ball)  Started out well with this, then waned, then started again with abs and squat challenges, but found I was generally just tired towards the end of the year.  This has to change!

Goal # 9: stretch at least 5 timse a week (focus on calfs, hips and hamstrings) as above, started out well and then somehow lost everything is so tight, it is not even funny!

Goal #10: Add some other sports to the mix occasionally, ie. skiing , snowshoing, inline skating, badminton, kayaking, swimming, Ultimate. Realistically, I won't have time to add this into a weekly routine, but doing something different every once in a while would be nice.  Well, we ended up mountain biking in Moab.

Goal #11: volunteer for Kneeknacker again (aidstation captain at Cleveland Dam) - done

Goal #12: swim in the ocean at least once a week in the warmer month - hm, I have to try hard to remember...oh right, the beaches in North Van were closed for most of the warm summer months.  That was a real bummer. I did swim Hotel Lake lengthwise with KC and Teresa during one of William's camping weekends.

Goal # 13: have a big athletic adventure of some kind: overnight hiking/snowshoe/bike/kayak trip (or something along those lines) - I think Moab counts, as well as the circle bike route with Wendy from West Van, via Sechelt to Powell River, Comox and Nanaimo and the Cathedral Lakes overnight hiking tour with Ean.

And what are my resolutions for 2014?

Goal #1: This is a non-athletic goal that will supersede all other goals for this year. I am enrolled in the Re-Entry for RN's Program at Thompson Rivers University. This will take all of 2015 and then some. The courses will require about 30 hours of study time per week. I scaled my work days back to 4 and will put my head down...Yikes, nervous!

Goal # 2:
  • keep up my running routine of at least 2 weekly runs. 
  • do not get injured 
  • lose another 5kg 
Goal # 3: Participating in the Vancouver New Years Day Fat Ass - custom course 17km - done

Goal # 4: Participating in at least the following other events/races:

  • Capilano Canyon MardiGras Night Run 
  • Mountain Highway Madness 
  • Capilano Canyon 
  • Midsummer Nite Night Run 
  • Pure Satisfaction 
Goal # 5: 1 peak in the Peak Bagger Challenge (likely no time for more given my studies)

Goal # 6: continue to ride my bike to work 3x week - weather permitting

Goal # 7: add a weight/strength routine to my schedule (2x a week at home with free weights and balance ball)

Goal # 8: stretch at least 5 times a week (focus on calfs, hips and hamstrings)

Goal # 9: If studies go well and Kneeknacker date does not interfere with courses, volunteer for Kneeknacker again (aidstation captain at Cleveland Dam). This is a stretch goal and might have to give.

Goal # 10: swim in the ocean at least once a week in the warmer month

Goal # 11: have a big athletic adventure of some kind: overnight hiking/snowshoe/bike/kayak trip (or something along those lines)

Goal # 12: Start working on a book I have in mind about my adventures as bike commuter - again this might be a stretch goal given the studies, but I want to at least collect ideas as they come up and have an outline.

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