After last years epic 50km on New Years Day I had my heart set on a repeat, but alas it wasn’t meant to be. Despite an increase in our training runs, Michele, Pat and I just couldn’t get our mileage up enough to realistically attempt 50km. When the snow in late November and the storms of early December put a damper on some of our runs we finally declared defeat and aimed for the 25km distance.
The question in the final preparation of this run always is how much partying and drinking can you handle without suffering too much the following morning. Well, my neighbors child decided he can handle a hell of a lot of partying and didn’t consider my need for sleep after an evening of snowshoeing and chocolate fondue on Seymour Mountain (Dom, take note, you can get altitude and snow and still brave the wet elements to start the New Year) and before a 25km run.
I crawled out of bed with a splitting headache, feeling like I was the one who emptied all the beer bottles that littered the street. Luckily, there is always vitamin I By the time Ean send us of around the east side of Stanley Park I felt slightly better and enjoyed the morning scenery around Coal Harbour and Lost Lagoon.
Photo: Turtlepace, Michele and Isabelle rounding Kits Point
Like last year, we kept leap frogging Baldwin, who followed some version of the run/walk schedule. As we approached Burrard Street Bridge, he was definitely ahead of us and I started to feel my hips and was looking forward to the trails of Pacific Spirit Park.
Turning onto Chestnut Street right after the bridge we picked up a lost lamb. Turned out Isabelle Thielen missed Kits Point and backtracked, loosing her front position. Thanks for staying with us for a while, Isabelle. You certainly pushed us to be much faster than usual.
Photo: Approaching Burrard Street Bridge, not the pack of Fat Asses crossing the bridge
Despite the forecast for rising temperatures, it felt like it was getting colder. The rain was now mixed with snow and a steady icy wind blew in from the ocean. Getting into the protection of the trails felt good. My strides were getting shorter by the minute. Michele was going strong, but kept me company. Thanks, Michele.
Photo: Karen Smith cheering on the Fat Asses
After crossing 16th Ave, we began to see the faster runner on the return leg. A welcome distraction and the first sign that the finish was in reach. Boy, do I love that slight downhill on the trail parallel to Marine Drive just before hitting the turnaround, or in our case the finish. Pat and Gottfried welcomed us and supplied hot beverages. I would have liked to hang out longer to see the few runners that were behind us, Sharon, Rhonda and Danelle and her friend, but we realized that we needed to get out of our wet clothes quick and took Owen and Joyce up on their offer of a ride back to the start.
As always, despite the adverse weather we seem to have every New Years Day, it was a great way to start the New Year.